High speed rail coming to SF

Pub date November 5, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

By Steven T. Jones

Amid all the hoopla about last night’s big election, many people are overlooking another big win for San Francisco: the narrow approval of Prop. 1A, the $10 billion bond measure that is the first huge step to bringing high-speed trains into San Francisco. Just imagine walking, biking, or taking BART or Muni to the Transbay Terminal in downtown San Francisco, buying a $77 ticket, hopping on a sleek train that reaches up to 220 mph, and then arriving a Union Station in Los Angeles two and a half hours later.
In 10 years, you may not have to imagine it because it’ll be a reality. We’ll have more on this in the next couple days, including what those next steps will be and the status of a couple of lawsuits that challenging the project.