Prop 8: Through the big gay window

Pub date October 27, 2008
WriterMarke B.
SectionPolitics Blog

If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it …

So. All my gay friends, even the “radical” ones, it appears, are getting married — before Nov. 4, when Prop 8 just might pass, and the window may close for good on same-sex marriage. AG Jerry Brown has indicated that the marriages performed before then would still be considered valid, as the Chron reported. Hey, Matier & Ross, I’m expecting your penis-lily-embossed announcement any minute.

I’ve received no less than 12 frantic invites to hastily assembled same-sex weddings (although one couple took the time to register at Barney’s — Vera Wang crystalware, pshaw!). Is this the real case for how Prop 8 actually destroysl marriage — forcing people, shotgun-style, into perhaps-unthought-through unions? I jest, maybe. But the trend appears also a bit, er, defeatist in my book. Although of course I wish the happy couples, and their makeshift receptions at the Powerhouse, all the best!

Still, despite all the blackmail, violence, foaming at the mouth, Blackwater connections and rampant Mormonism, we can still beat this thing. Please give to or volunteer for No on 8 today — before I have to shoulder the costs of another seafoam and salmon crinoline-encrusted bridesmaid dress! No one makes me wear crinoline in October ….