American Dreamer: Introduction

Pub date August 21, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

brc-dnc logo.jpg

By Steven T. Jones

It’s been almost a year since Larry Harvey announced the 2008 art theme for Burning Man: American Dream. I hated it and said so publicly.

But I later came to see a bit of method behind Harvey’s madness, and on Friday I will take my sixth trip to Black Rock City, this time treating it as an extended checkpoint on my drive to and from an even bigger patriotic pageant, the Democratic National Convention in Denver. It’s a trip made possible by synchronous – but probably not coincidental – timing.

The purpose of this post isn’t to announce the project, which I did in yesterday’s paper. Here, I want to offer a bit more background and relevant links, make few disclosures, clear my head and throat, and give you a better idea where this is headed.