Towards Carfree Cities: Wrapup

Pub date June 25, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

Bay Guardian City Editor Steven T. Jones covered Towards Carfree Cities, an international conference held last week in Portland (the first time it was in the U.S.), and wrote the following reports.

Video of Portland’s first Ciclovia-style street closure, Sunday Parkways, from

What is carfree? — A look at the concept behind the conference

“We’re not doing enough” — A clarion call for U.S. cities to join an international movement

Everybody into the streets! — Portland created a carfree Ciclovia, just like San Francisco plans to do in August

From geeks to freaks, a look at Portland bicycle culture — The movement in motion

Depaving Day — Transforming urban spaces from asphalt to soil

San Franciscans in the house — Local thinkers played a big role at the conference

Treasure Island as case study — Could we build a model carfree project just off the San Francisco shoreline?

Spreading the word — Streetsblog and other media innovators make the carfree case

Aboard a Portland-bound train — Riding the rails with the San Francisco contingent