Who loves Bobby and Blumm?

Pub date May 28, 2008

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Bobby and Blumm
Everybody Loves
(Morr Music)

By Max Goldberg

Over the last decade, Berlin label Morr Music has carved its niche as a purveyor of delicate down-tempo pop. Bobby and Blumm’s debut, Everybody Loves, is as winsome as it gets, though W.S. Blumm’s electric hollowbody guitar imbues the sweet-nothing melodies with an autumnal glow.

Blumm, a classically trained musician, has himself released three fine solo albums of Burt Bacharach-inspired electro-pop on Morr, but Everybody Loves resulted from his joining up with Swedish vocalist Ella “Bobby Baby” Blixt. The chamber-folk compositions and subdued vocal melodies make Bobby and Blumm seem like the European answer to Massachusetts stalwarts Damon and Naomi.

Blumm’s ultra low-key electronic crackles and Blixt’s confounding English lyrics (“I’m super real / I’m a future present / in the future present”) give Everybody Loves a tentative, dissipating quality, though it’s a beautiful fog while it lasts.