Garbage to gold: SF Dump’s new artist

Pub date May 12, 2008
SectionPixel Vision

By Justin Juul

When boring people think about heaven they envision angels and wings and clouds and gold and stuff like that. Other people, cooler people you might say, imagine a world where everything is free, where alcohol flows like water, where cigarettes provide nourishment, and where orgasms last for hours. And then there are people like Paul Cesewski, a well-known Bay Area artist who’s been making bicycle-powered carnival rides, kinetic sculptures, and other weird machines for something like a decade and a half. His vision of paradise is a sprawling landfill of garbage, scrap metal, and castoff PVC tubing. What a weirdo.


The cool thing about Cesewski’s version of heaven is that, unlike the angel and harp deal, it actually exists. It’s called the SF Dump and after years of trying, Cesewski has finally scored the Dump’s coveted artist-in-residence gig. He’s been wallowing in scrap metal, garbage, and PVC piping for the past three months and he’s about to let loose with a show. It’s only going on for two days so don’t miss the boat.

Paul Cesweski, clownin’

Paul Cesweski
SF Dump
503 Tunnel Ave. SF.
May 23 (5:00 – 9:00)
May 24 (1:00 – 5:00)