Obama throwback T tosses me back to my high school years

Pub date March 18, 2008
SectionPixel Vision


OK, true confessions: I attended Punahou school in Honolulu, Hawaii – and I hated it. But seriously, Barack Obama is doing more than blowing my mind with his performance as a candidate – I’m also having to rethink my dreaded junior high and high school years at this elite prep institution that essentially catered to the islands’ missionary/colonist spawn and the wealthy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Obama – and even I – also went there, and our families certainly weren’t soaking in it. (And boy, was I reminded of that all the time by my parents.) Still, can that miserable time actually be considered remotely…cool? Truly, this Neighborhoodies’ ringer T-shirt – oozing nostalgia for a Punahou I’m still ambivalent about – is weirdest fashion item I’ve ever lusted after.