Newsom’s power play

Pub date February 19, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

Newsom swore in a new batch of his appointed commissioners on Friday.(photo from
Mayor Gavin Newsom’s effort to fire Susan Leal (slated for tomorrow morning) has grabbed some attention over the last week, as well as some pushback from anonymous Mayor’s Office minions over the weekend (read the second item in M&R’s Monday column, which was likely a response to the Leal comments I discussed here).

But that’s not the only front for the Newsom offensive, or even the only one scheduled for tomorrow morning. At the same 9 a.m. start time as the SFPUC meeting, just one floor up in Room 416, the Building Inspection Commission will be meeting and voting for its new president. And the word from our City Hall sources is that Newsom’s proxies have been actively lobbying against current president Debra Walker (a progressive, artist, tenant advocate, and likely candidate to replace Sup. Chris Daly), pushing instead for developer Mel Murphy to take the reins.
Debra Walker, from an image at