Newsom in space

Pub date February 19, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

newsom floating.jpg
OK, this is just priceless. Our celebrity Mayor Gavin Newsom and his fiance actress, Jennifer Siebel, on Saturday went weightless during a flight out of Moffett Field as part of a promotional effort by a company charging $3,500 per head to experience zero gravity in a diving airplane. The Zero G Experience send out this picture in a press release that contained this purple prose: “During the unforgettable weightless escapade, Newsom and Siebel flew like Superman, flipped like Olympic gymnasts and enjoyed 10-times more hang-time than the world’s best basketball player. The newly engaged duo floated on cloud nine as they danced mid-air in the rare and exalted state of weightlessness.”
It’s good to be the mayor.