Get Health! The LA noise combo gives up their secrets

Pub date January 17, 2008


Everybody’s talkin’ ’bout Health – as well as Dan Deacon, who the LA noise combo plays with tonight, Jan. 17, at Great American Music Hall. It’ll be an awesome show. I traded e-mails with the outfit this week, and here’s what they graciously coughed up.

SFBG: How did your name come about?

John: We wanted a name like Television, an everyday word. Went down a list with the interweb. Health was left.

SFBG: What makes you play music?

John: Gets me AMPED, man. Unless you’re a little kid, music is the only way you get someone to rage with you.

Jake: Is that a big question or a small question?

SFBG: What sort of “Health”-y things do you do?

John: Kombucha

Jake: Watch out for excess sodium.