City College chancellor steps down; Christmas ruined for thousands

Pub date December 21, 2007
WriterG.W. Schulz
SectionPolitics Blog


How can the people of San Francisco make it through the holiday season without crying uncontrollably over the just-announced departure of San Francisco City College Chancellor Phil Day? In a statement, Day apologized profusely for destroying your Christmas.

“I am truly sorry that I must deliver this message on the eve of our traditional holiday break but I did not want you to find out about this by reading the papers or having it via news reports.”

Thank you for being so kind, Chancellor. Clearly the media frenzy resulting from your official announcement to step down is making it difficult for San Franciscans to concentrate on their celebrations — including the public and private critics of your administration, many of whom worked hard to help us understand just how much of a mess the school’s costly bond projects are in.