Young journos doomed to poverty and pink slips

Pub date December 10, 2007
WriterG.W. Schulz
SectionPolitics Blog


Cub reporters are finding it increasingly difficult to climb out of bed each day.

The pay sucks, everyone’s eager to inform you of the real story you’re failing to cover, and no matter how many late nights you put in, opportunities for advancement throughout the biz are slimming down with every new round of announced layoffs.

Spend each waking moment learning how to navigate Byzantine government bureaucracies so you can write a few cool stories, and the thanks you’ll get in return is the axe to help save expenses in the short term for the paper’s media parent. Here’s what management might say these days as an explanation:

“We are not trying to make any other statement here other than it is a competitive world out there and we are doing what we can to make sure we are putting out an excellent paper in the communities we serve.”