Good things, small packages

Pub date December 4, 2007
SectionPixel Vision

A do-it-yourself guide to making teeny tiny fashion hats

San Francisco artist Nifer Fahrion, best known for her adorable felted-wool critters (check out ShroomMates lapel pins and Gizzy the Data Worm 4G USB flash drive, among others, at, gives Guardian readers an exclusive step-by-step guide to making those miniature hats that are all the rage with the hip kids these days:

As you may have noticed, adorable tiny hats, also know as fascinators, have started to become all the rage lately for the hipsters, period costumers, and brides alike. Unfortunately, very few of us can afford those custom-made ones in the boutiques. That’s why I’ve been making my own for the last year or so out of (shhhhh!) cardboard, fabric, and empty food/beverage containers — and no one is the wiser.

These cute little hats make a unique and personal gift to that fashion-savvy friend. They are also easy to make, so you can whip one up to match that rockin’ holiday cocktail dress!
