Pro-car crowd draws first blood; breaks deal with Peskin

Pub date October 12, 2007
SectionPolitics Blog

Photo of Don Fisher by Luke Thomas,, used with permission
Gap founder Don Fisher and other proponents of Prop. H, which seeks to invalidate city parking and land use policies developed over the last few decades, have sent out a misleading mailer attacking Prop. A, the Muni reform measure that would negate approval of Prop. H, among other things. The attack, which arrived in mailboxes on the same day many voters also received their absentee ballots, breaks a deal they had cut with Board of Supervisors president Aaron Peskin to not campaign on the issue in exchange for Peskin’s promise to support a less-heinous parking measure on the February ballot. “I always negotiate in good faith, and if that is true, this is very disturbing,” Peskin told the Guardian when informed of the mailer. “If A loses and H wins, it’s the worst day of my political life. That would set planning in this city back 30 years.”