Fine. Here. Bearforce1

Pub date August 15, 2007
WriterMarke B.

Yes, dears, I know Perez fricking Hilton posted this earlier today — but the thing’s gone so viral, my inbox has gotten overloaded from rabid, hyperintellectual fans! Plus, I use more exclamation points!!! So here I repost it for you (and for me — I really can’t stop watching it.) Plus it’s kind of a personal triumph. It’s, in a way, vindication. And isn’t that what blogs are for? Self-obsessive revenge?

Meet the boys of Bearforce1:

Ta da!

The best part is that they’re from The Netherlands! Hairy from Holland! Hottt!!! Exclamation points!!!

A little while ago I wrote a Super Ego column about how the new bear generation — Bear 2.0 — is more in touch with its feminine and techno dance sides. I got a lot of shit for it. But …. proof! Hot hairy holland pastel-shirted proof! Sweeeet.