Whither Jascha Ephraim?

Pub date August 11, 2007

By Robert Bergin


Dear Jascha Ephraim,

Stumbled across your CD a couple days ago. I was going through my collection, looking for stuff to sell to Amoeba because I’m broke and I needed a copy of Pootie Tang. If you haven’t seen Pootie Tang, you should. It’s right up your alley. But yeah, I came up with three or four CDs I didn’t want anymore and some promos, which I figured would be enough. Who needs Softies full-lengths when you’ve got the 7-inches, right? Anyways, no fucking way did I sell your self-titled. True, I haven’t spent time with it in a while, but that doesn’t change the fact that my roommate and I listened to you almost daily during the spring of 2006. You don’t part with that.

So what happened man? Where’d you go? Your Web site is bare. Your MySpace
has a wall post that hints that you might have left SF for Kentucky – WTF? – but other than that, nada. The world needs more of your tunes. “Goldfish Euthanasia” was for my little brother what that Offspring song about road-rage was for me. We need your sharp-witted synth-pop vulgarities. Or maybe just a status update? Hope alls well.
