Pub date August 10, 2007
WriterMarke B.
SectionPolitics Blog

So, last night the Human Right Campaign and homo cable channel-bot LOGO hosted a forum for the Democratic presidential candidates in an Oprah-like setting for a candid grilling about “GLBT issues” — luckily, for those of us who can’t shell out the skittle for subscription cable, it was available live online, in a format that actually worked! Way to go, LOGO server bandwidth! (full disclosure: I was a commentator on the forum for CBS Radio. I’m so mainstream!)

You can view some capture vids and a recap of the debate here.

Kucinich — “magical love,” as always

YES, as a big gay, I did of course get that warm, fuzzy, Pride-trained feeling I’m supposed to get when the folks in the big house descend to talk to l’il ol’ me about what they think are my l’il ol’ issues. Plus, the intimate “forum” setting (each candidate got 15 minutes in the hot seat while the others waited in back) was ideal for disallowing the candidates to dodge and highlighting their every squirm.

Still, I was prepared to scream “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TRANNIES!” into the ears of America as a commentator …. and the fact that Melissa Etheridge was one of the interlocutors rolled my eyes backward a bit (altho to her credit her questions were actually pretty potent — once you got past all the fawning — and she acknowledged she had no business being there as “neither a professional politician or activist.” Tell it to your global-warming Oscar, sweetie.)