Get yer bootie to Bootie

Pub date August 9, 2007

By Molly Freedenberg

Mash-ups are a special kind of math: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. While I like dancing to Britney Spears (her early years) as much as the next thirteen-year-old-masked-as-an-adult, and while Bon Jovi fills me with a juvenile joy few other bands can evoke from me, hearing the two mixed together is something else entirely: I wouldn’t say transcendent, because I have no illusions that pop music (and dance music, for the most part) is best when taken at face value. But when two songs are combined, I find a supreme satisfaction – and, at the very least, entertainment – in the audial surprises that are born of the alchemy. And if each individual track is one I want to hear anyway? All the better.
Photo by Leo Herrera
DJs Adrian & the Mysterious D