How’s the mayor’s Hump Day going!? Oooooh, not so good

Pub date July 11, 2007
WriterG.W. Schulz
SectionPolitics Blog

By G.W. Schulz

> Homicides are up 20 percent this year over the same time last year, and much of it cannot be blamed on gang violence, according to the Chron, which suggests, like it or not, that City Attorney Dennis Herrera’s gang injunctions can go only so far. It’s hardly July, but we’ll put good money on any bet that the mayor won’t be cheerfully taking credit for the city’s homicide rate next January. As usual, we should make clear that this conversation still doesn’t take into account nonfatal shooting injuries. San Francisco General does a remarkable job saving people who’ve been shot, meaning the homicide rate is not really a reliable indicator by itself of how well the city’s doing on street-level violence.
