Throwing down for Mistah FAB

Pub date May 11, 2007

Guardian staffer Ben Hopfer hit Mistah FAB’s CD release party, presented by Stash magazine, at Fat City last night, May 10. Here’s his report and pics on the local rap star-studded fete:

Mistah FAB soaks up the limelight. All photos by Ben Hopfer.

San Quinn opened up the night with his protege Hollywood. They performed “Hell Yeah,” some classics, and a cut off his upcoming album, which I think, is titled Rock Star.

Mistah FAB came out and thanked everyone for showing up, then proceeded to shout out the entire Bay Area. He brought, like, half of Oakland onto the stage. What was really cool was that he let the other rappers perform their songs onstage with him., giving so much shine to everybody else that they ran out of time for him to perform his own single.

Big Rich strikes a pose.