Dem Con, Saturday noon: Hillary’s speech

Pub date April 28, 2007
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

Shortly before Hillary Clinton takes the stage this morning, perhaps 200 cheering supporters are lined up just inside one of the side doors that lead into the cavernous convention center. The rest of the press folks are mostly hanging out on the raised press platform or in the media section, watching state party chair Art Torres vamp on the main stage, so I wander over to the Hillary crowd see what’s going on. Bob Mulholland, the veteran political director of the CA Democratic Party, wanders over, too. “What are you all waiting for?” he asks. “Hillary!” they shout. “Well, I don’t know why you’re waiting here,” he says, “She’s already backstage.”

But no: For once, big Bob is wrong. I can overhear a Clinton operative on her cell phone saying “one minute, folks, she’s walking down the corridor.” And then the door opens and out comes the senator, smiling and waving as she walks through the center of the packed main floor and makes her way to the stage. It’s a great media stunt, and when she takes the podium, she shows what a pro she’s become. She seems relaxed and at ease with the crowd, and her speech is lively. She talks about universal health care (“people tell me you’ve tried that before, and I say I’m proud I did”), makes a veiled reference to the insurance and drug industries, then shifts into energy independence and “doing education right.”

It’s all a nice stump speech that contains absolutely no new or substantive policy proposals — and then she comes to Iraq.