No, stooopid – it’s the Stooges! More Ron Asheton chatter

Pub date April 18, 2007

Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton is something of a renowned rock god and raconteur of note – the 5-foot-11, blue-eyed Cancer certainly knows how to roll with the punches and spin a tale, even briefly, when not in the shadow of the still great, astonishingly limber Iggy Pop.

The original model of the Stooges, circa 1969: Scott Asheton (from left), Ron Asheton, Dave Alexander, and Iggy Pop.

Me and Duncan Scott Davidson went off on our fave band in print this week; here’s more of an interview with him, on the phone from the family home he once shared with his bro, Stooges drummer Scott Asheton, in Ann Arbor, Mich.

The last three standing Stooges these days: Ron Asheton (from left), Iggy Pop, and Scott Asheton.

Guardian: How does it feel to be on the road now with the fully reunited Stooges?

Ron Asheton: We played in the states before, but only spotty jobs here and there — Jones Beach and some benefit in Manhattan and Roseland. We did All Tomorrow’s Parties in Long Beach but this is the frist time we’re going out here. I know that the Europeans are great — I always say that “I wanna Be Your Dog” is the NEW French national anthem. Because the French love the Stooges so much. We go there so much.