International Ms. Leather: “A stick of gum, a SuperBall, and a frog”

Pub date April 9, 2007
WriterMarke B.
SectionPixel Vision

Well, I didn’t get to go to any Cat Circus like Ms. Cheryl Eddy (see previous post), but I DID get to attend the fantastic International Ms. Leather competition at the Holiday Inn on Van Ness on Easter Vigil Saturday.

The contestants — a little blurry cuz the lens was steamy
(All pics by Hunky Beau)

The leather community still manages to amaze, and pump out enough fetishistic mojo to keep cultural critics scratching their spinning heads. The International Ms Leather contest — IMsL, or “imzel” — is only a small part of a grand weekend for leather women (and admirers — there were a lot of men and pansexuals in attendance) that’s been going on annually for 10 years. This year, it was also accompanied by the Internal Ms. Boot Black competition — or “imzbuhbuh.”