Mama Jonez is in the house

Pub date January 31, 2007
SectionPixel Vision

Our new Assistant Culture Editor, Molly Freedenberg, may have just gotten to town, but she hasn’t wasted any time finding other media professionals — or free booze. Here’s her account of Tuesday’s Mother Jones shindig.

Bay Area old-timer Mother Jones is making an effort to be known as something other than, well, your mother’s leftie magazine (or, even less accurately, as a magazine about mothering.)

And last night’s celebration at Minna Street Gallery was a good start -stylistically, at least. There were almost as many fresh-faced, hipster, intern types as there were “grown-ups” (as referenced by the fresh-faced bouncer). The tattooed coat check girl, hoodie-wearing bartender, and grommet-eared busser were a good contrast to Mother Jones’ hemp-and-henna image. And though neither the DJ nor the tables of MoJo memorabilia were enough to override the shortage of both hors d’ouevres and personal space, (I’ve never been jostled so much at such a mellow party. I guess being socially aware doesn’t necessarily mean you’re spatially aware.), I do feel inspired to see what the mag’s been up to since my parents shed their Birks for Crocs. So I suppose you could say MoJo’s new mojo (ha ha ha) is working …