The SOTU response

Pub date January 23, 2007
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

–It says a lot about the state of the media when Sen. Dick Durbin decides that instead of doing TV interviews, he’ll respond to the speech by blogging on DailyKos. Complete with some really dopey pictures. (Look, look, here I am, blogging! I may be a U.S. Senator but I can actually type on a computer, like the real people! I’m a blogger! Whoo Hah!)

–Chris Matthews argues that Jim Webb’s response is the strongest Democratic response to a GOP State of the Union speech since Ed Muskie responded to Nixon in 1970. That’s a strong statement, but it’s pretty clear that Webb was the right guy for this job: He pointedly noted that he, and his brother, and his son, had all served in active duty in the Marines (unlike Bush), and that leaders who send troops to war have a responsibility to make honest judgements.

–CNN says that Bush is already a lame duck Duh.