NOISE: Mmmm…Mammatus — and more, so much more

Pub date January 19, 2007

Love is meant to be spread around — like STDs, dear mater always used to quip. But this weekend I’m thinking that the place to be is the Hemlock Tavern. I mean, tonight is EAR (Spaceman 3’s Sonic Boom’s latest experimento project) — shroomatronics! Then tomorrow’s late lineup features Santa Cruz/San Francisco heavy combo Mammatus — after Jay Reatard of ye olde Reatards messes wit’ your mind at an early show.

All that glitter may be Mammatus, playing Hemmy way back when in early 2006. Photo by Kimberly “Snap!” Chun

Then Sunday – fuhhhh-kkkk — it’s SF’s venerable musical mischief makers: Fuck. The band that dare not speak its name. Except that it does. Regularly. With much vim and vinegar.