The Migden-Daly axis

Pub date January 19, 2007
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

The prospect of Mark Leno running against Carole Migden has set off an intriguing little internal political tiff in the progressive community. Chris Daly has a lovely little hit piece in BeyondChron about Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst, Lauter and Parnters, the nasty political consulting firm, and in the process, he goes after Leno for his association with the frim and suggests that the Leno challenge could be primarily driven by the consultants’ desire for more cash.

That appears to put Daly in the Migden camp on this one, which isn’t surprising, since he’s been friendly with her in the past. But it makes the potential race all the more interesting.