“I don’t drink Diet Coke. I drink screwdrivers. And bathe in gasoline. ‘Cause I’m a man.”

Pub date December 19, 2006
WriterG.W. Schulz
SectionPolitics Blog

By G.W. Schulz

Looks like the San Francisco Police Officers Association is attemtping to remake the Afghan police force in its own Charles-Bronson image.

This month’s POA Journal features a photo of an Afghan police advisor wearing one of the shirts quoting POA president Gary Delagnes from the last election: “I don’t drink Diet Coke. I drink screwdrivers.” If it’s not so clear just yet, Gary Delagnes is a man. A tough man. He drinks screwdrivers. And chews on bullets.

Anyway, the statement came after the San Francisco Firefighters Local 798 announced it would be endorsing Chris Daly in his reelection bid for the District 6 supervisor’s seat over newcomer Rob Black. Matier & Ross at the Chronicle reported first that Delagnes was annoyed about the endorsement (Delagnes and Daly have never gotten along so well, to put it lightly.)

Wise-cracking Local 798 president John Hanley had suggested that perhaps Daly and Delagnes could sit down to discuss their differences over Diet Cokes. But Gary Delagnes doesn’t drink Diet Coke. He’s a man. A tough man. He drinks screwdrivers. And snacks on chainlink. And uses a buzzsaw for a knife when he’s eating t-bone steaks. Some cops had the shirts made up after the now-notorius quote was uttered. Daly, for his part, was none too happy.

There’s no real explanation by the Journal for how the shirt ended up in Afghanistan. But here’s the caption to the photo:

“In this shot, an Afghan police advisor dons one of the infamous t-shirts that appeared after President Delagnes scoffed at the notion that he would enjoy a diet Pepsi [sic] with Supervisor Chris Daly. The shirts were not POA produced or approved, but rumor has it that translation into Farsi will appear shortly.”