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Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

Determination is a beautiful thing and can be turbo fuel for the Change Train you’re on. Harness all your strength and vision into a clear set of goals now that Saturn is in your opposite sign: Libra. This is when you can rise to the occasion or sink like a ton of rocks. Let go of some old ways of being that no longer serve you.


April 20-May 20

Your emotions are running wild and fast like a waterfall, rushing from one part of your heart and spilling into the rest of your life. Don’t fight it, Taurus. Go with them instead. Support yourself by noticing what sets you off so you don’t get dragged down every time.


May 21-June 21

Anxiousness makes you feel super-helpless, and it’s easy to feel trapped when that shit comes around. There’s always an option you haven’t considered yet, an attitude you haven’t yet held. Remember that you have more jurisdiction over your own life than you’re likely to feel you do. If you were fearless, what would you do next?


June 22-July 22

You’re not supposed to know the answers right now, Cancer. This week, cultivate patience as you get grounded enough to check in with your gut instincts. Your fears may pretend to be the voice of your intuition, so here’s a tip: intuition is not scary, it’s just a clear and subtle inner voice. Get grounded and listen closely.


July 23-Aug. 22

History has this nasty habit of repeating itself. If you don’t take a minute to review your past and notice the similarities to your present, you may find yourself in an all-too-familiar pickle. It’s time to let go of your attachment to learning the same lesson over and over. Change whatever hasn’t been working.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

There is no answer that is absolutely right for you, just different options — some better, some worse. The crappiest choice you can make is to stay inert. It’s time for the "wild rumpus to start." Make some noise, do your stretches, and get ready for action. The more play you have in your life, the more of it you’ll attract.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This is it, Libra. Saturn enters your sign this week and it’s up to you make the best of the Taskmaster’s journey through your jurisdiction. Don’t start freaking out, though. Saturn feeds off of worry and fear. Instead, take a solid look around and inside you to find what needs attention. Wherever you are not living your life self appropriately, Saturn will be felt.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you’re doing something that you know is wrong, even if you’re doing it for the right reasons or the most deserving people, it’ll eat you up from the inside. You’re focusing on the problem that is most in your face when you need to be looking a little deeper to see what’s really got you twisted. Be true to what you believe right now.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There are parts of yourself that you’re holding onto for dear life, but you’ve outgrown them. It’s like you’re not sure what’s real and what’s here to stay, so you’re falling back on your tried and true, whether it’s outdated or not. Spend a bit of time with No. 1 to make sure you’re in touch with you, in the now.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are moving through some meaningful emotional stuff and there is some turbulence on the way. Once you get on the other side of this journey, you’ll be so much better off. You’re over-stimulated, Cap. Don’t try to fix anything just yet. Instead, take care of yourself. Disengage from other people’s energies and just deal with you for a while.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

If you can hike up your willingness to have things shift, your whole life will get easier. You’re on the brink of major change and it’s a lot to handle right now. Be brave and practice balance. Know when to assert yourself and with how much force, as well as when to hold back. You are on your way to major improvements.


Feb. 19-March 20

Some things are outside your control, like the recession, global warming, and who the winner of American Idol will be. But that doesn’t mean you can’t participate and make your voice heard. Put out more of what you want to see in the world. You have so much to give, but first you have to make peace with your limitations.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Website at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

Making peace with shitty circumstances isn’t the same as being passive in the face of them. If you can accept that your boss is a jerk, your date is insensitive about your dog, you are terrible with money, or whatever else is plaguing you, then you can actually do something about it. Stop wasting your energy on fighting what you can’t control.


April 20-May 20

Watch your defensiveness right now, because it’s not likely to protect whatever you are trying to keep safe. Feeling indignant or blocked by others may be valid, but if you act from those feelings, you’ll only be feeding the fire. Get in touch with your emotions and find a way to support yourself. Be open to the support all around you.


May 21-June 21

It’s all about staying in the present moment, Gem. Enjoy the fruits of your life, even if what you wanted was an orchard and you only have a tree or two. Invest in yourself by having gratitude for what you’ve got. Decisions are best made a different week, when you are clearer about where you want to go.


June 22-July 22

Don’t linger in the land of over-processing. Your anxieties are mounting, and there is no brilliant perspective that will change that. Focus your energy on building your self-esteem so you can get empowered. This is the wrong time to give up or concede. Recharge your energy so you can get executive with your life.


July 23-Aug. 22

No matter how overwhelming things are, remember the old motto: "Where there’s a will, there’s a way." The trick is to not impose your willfulness on others, but to strive to embody the changes you want to see in your life instead. If something doesn’t work when you put your best into it, ask yourself why you keep participating.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Goals are so important; they help us to have a sense of direction. Now is the time to review your ambitions and see where you are in relation to them. Don’t be scared to change your mind (and your plans) if that’s what feels right. Remember that getting happy needs to be on your to-do list.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

They say success is the best revenge. Struggling against adversity won’t get you far this week. Avoid making waves and try working with your circumstances for a while. Get it together before you strike out.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

There are no magic beans, pal. You’ve got to dig a hole; plant those suckers in a nice, sunny spot; and remember to water regularly. The thing is, growth takes time. Make sure you are in a position you can afford to maintain, because you may find yourself locked in to it for a while. When in doubt, take baby steps.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

A major change is coming your way, Sag, and holding on tight will stop the whole thing up. Be willing to step into the unknown, but don’t forget to forge a plan B in case you need it. If you can get into a position where you can safely take risks, you may slow some things down — but it’ll be worth it.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Pushing things toward your desired end is one of your great skills, Cap, but can sometimes get in your way. There comes a time when all you need to do is give that ball a little push and it will run off on its own. What’s a busy bee to do when there’s nothing left to do? Try enjoying some honey, of course! Enjoy today while tomorrow develops.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Boldly encounter truth this week. If you are way in debt and living in denial, it’s time to rip open those red envelopes and call back those creditors. You are in a great spot to deal with what’s real, but first you have to acknowledge said realness. It may harsh your mellow, but bubbles were meant to get broken, buddy.


Feb. 19-March 20

You are changing in ways that don’t always feel in control, and it can get a bit awkward sometimes. Reach out to friends or family to remind yourself who you are. The shifts happening in and around you can be disorienting. But if you keep your center, there is much to learn. Be patient with yourself.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

Our potential sometimes lies in the place we visit the least within ourselves. Delve deep to find a different way than you would typically use to handle your situations. See if you can, in the wise words of Tim Gunn, "make it work" without losing your unique style and perspective. Push the boundaries of what defines you.


April 20-May 20

The fattest egos are often found on the saddest sacks. So much hard-nosed behavior comes from people being too hard on their own damn selves — and you are no exception, Taurus. Don’t be a bully with yourself or the people around you just ’cause you don’t want to feel sad or vulnerable. Substitute aggression with assertion.


May 21-June 21

"Process" is an overused word. This week stay focused on it, though, because if you jump too far ahead of yourself, you won’t know what to tweak. You are in a great spot to lay some long-lasting foundations, but not so much for skipping ahead to the next level without getting confused.


June 22-July 22

As an emotional person, the key to maintaining inner balance is to not be so reactive. When you define your happiness through your job, relationships, or how many times your cat scratched the post, you are in a constant state of reacting emotionally, which doesn’t allow you to find your own footing. Individuate instead.


July 23-Aug. 22

You have some major decisions to make, buddy, but first you have to establish your criteria. I know, it sounds boring, and it is, but a Leo’s gotta do what a Leo’s gotta do. Get really clear about your goals so that your actions are in time with them. Otherwise it will be more of the same.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You are not a victim. You are responsible for all you do, and for all of your reactions to the things you have no control over. It’s time to forgive recent mistakes and the failings of the trustworthy folks around you. The clearer your head is from ego distractions, the smarter you’ll be.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

It’s the last full week of your sign’s birthday, and you are in full effect. Find yourself something (or someone) to sink your lovely energy into. It is a great time to initiate a new activity or project, because what you begin now is likely to flower by the time we hit Sagittarius’ birthday. You are fully capable — just put yourself out there.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

There are so many people you need to please that it can be hella frustrating. Thing is, you are poised to gain a lot from others being happy with you. Stay in touch with how compromise serves you as much as it does everyone else so you can give with an open heart.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There’s a fine line between manifesting crappy circumstances because you were so focused on them and being a realist who sees the rough stuff as it is. Err on the side of the eternal optimist right now. You stand to gain more by fearlessly hoping for the best and innovating as direct a route toward it as you can see. Lean on your pals for reality checks.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Don’t buy time when you can just press pause — it’s a useless expense. Your week is riddled with boundary problems, and barreling through it won’t help matters. Find creative ways to assert your needs and be humble enough to include others in your process — even before it’s iron clad.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You’ve got the right stuff, but you’re using it all wrong. Your fears are putting your sense of timing on the fritz and it’s reinforcing your them. Cultivate a healthy sense of detachment from your concerns and transform your anxiety into excitement. An adventurous attitude will help you out and take you far this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

Making change and improving things is awesome by all accounts, Pisces. But changing things for the sake of change — or before you are clear about what you really think — is a whole lot of action with very little point. Get emotionally grounded before you start shaking shit up. Don’t act out just because you’re fidgety, or you’ll give yourself something to get really restless about.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

There is a bummer in town and it has taken up residence in your achy-breaky heart. No matter what the downer is, the worst thing for you to do right now is to boldly and courageously get past it. That’s right, Aries. Trying to push ahead will backfire. Instead, right the loss of balance you feel on the inside.


April 20-May 20

You’ve got a breakthrough percoutf8g. This is not the time for compromising your vision or plans, but don’t confuse that with a green light to forgo diplomacy. Stand firm for what you want, and kick some ass to get it. Including others in your process will not only advance your cause, it will make it sweeter too.


May 21-June 21

How can you maintain your sense of self around all the different people in your world? Work toward moving in different circles and still remaining true to your identity. Know yourself well enough that you can hold your own, no matter what your circumstances.


June 22-July 22

You have to take some risks in the name of a happy heart. Being emotionally open is hard work, ’cause you run the risk of being open to the bad stuff along with the good. It’s worth it. Make whatever adjustments necessary to stay balanced. And try to bring a sense of adventure to the unknown, rather than the worrying you’re famous for.


July 23-Aug. 22

In the illustrious words of Young MC, "Don’t just stand there, bust a move." Amass your energy and make shit happen, Leo. Just do it differently than you used to, now informed by the wisdom of your past exploits. Step out and leave all the old demons behind you so you can make new mistakes instead of the same tired old ones.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The thing about hoarders is not that they are terribly materialistic, but that they attribute sentimentality to objects in a way that it makes it hard to get rid of anything. The process of discerning what needs to go and then giving it the old heave-ho is an art form. Recognize what’s outlived it’s usefulness in your life and let it go.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Fretting over things doesn’t actually improve matters. Finding someone you can blame for injustices has a shelf life. This week, take responsibility for what you are bringing to the table, remembering that if you are not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Channel your inner diplomat and put ‘er to work.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your week is very Sammy Davis Jr., very "I’ve just gotta be me." Not remaking past mistakes takes a bit of patience and a lot of insight. If you can swing being true to yourself, it’ll help you step up and be unhampered by the crappy conditions you’ve been living under. Make up your mind and then speak it out, Scorpio. Things are looking up.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Lucky for you, you’ve got a gamblers spirit — because it’s time to roll the dice. Well-timed action and a little risk-taking will carry you far. Just don’t let external pressures bully you. Find your own pace and follow that.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You may posture like a badass, but I know you struggle with not trusting yourself. Anxiety is the only thing that can get in your way, so develop a strategy for dealing with it before it smacks you around again. Every light casts some shadow, so don’t get caught up in your fear of the dark. You’re on the right track, Cap.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This is not the time to freeze up or throw in the towel. Change your life for the better, even if you feel like giving up. You have something to learn from all those obstacles in your way, but not quite yet. The universe wants you to find the energy that can carry you forward before you make any important moves, so get it together.


Feb. 19-March 20

Trust your instincts, because you’re on a one-way track to awesome. This is one of those special times when your energy is in harmony with your insight, which is flowing with your wits. In other words, you can totally make shit happen! If you don’t know what you want, now is the time to figure it out and follow through on what feels right. *

Jessica lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

Your wants and needs are getting all mixed up, and it’s making you defensive and awkward. Make room for your yearnings, even when they don’t seem to fit your identity. Don’t let attachments to how you think you should be stop you from being who you are.


April 20-May 20

The people in your life are working as unconscious teachers this week, so be ready to look deeply at what you’re supposed to be learning. Watch out for folks demonstrating both how to act and also how not to act in the pursuit of happiness. Let it reflect back to you what you’re doing that’s working or backfiring.


May 21-June 21

Speaking your truth is a righteous act, but ramming your truth down the throats of loved ones and/or passersby sucks. Stop thinking that others need to agree with you for all to be right in your world, Gem. You are worried, and it’s best not to overthink your fears. Find balance between your truth and the rest of your life.


June 22-July 22

If you love a thing or person enough, it’s easy to get itchy and impulsive in your efforts to hold on to it or take things to the next level. Avoid pushing things ahead before their time. Instead, nurture things where they are. That way, they’ll organically grow to the next level — and you with it.


July 23-Aug. 22

Standing strong in the face of adversity is an awesome skill. Holding your own takes courage and allows you to become healthier. But sticking it out in shitty circumstances is not the same thing. Make sure you are doing your homework in healthy situations instead of trying to be healthy in a bath of bad vibes.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

With Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all in your sign, and opposite rebel rousing Uranus, the heat is on. Your challenge is to be yourself, even as the self you know and others expect of you is changing before your eyes. Take full responsibility without rushing toward certainty. Allow time for growth into maturity.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You so desperately want to take things to the next level that you are trying to hack your Playstation and advance yourself beyond your capabilities. If you directed those smarts and creativity toward kicking ass at the game you’re playing, you wouldn’t need to become an evil genius at getting away with shit.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Life is throwing too much at you, Intense One, and you are short-circuiting. The point of all of this stress is important to heed, because regardless of what you are dealing with, what is paramount is how you deal with it. Don’t evade or avoid your troubles. Take a much needed break to recharge, then get systematic on the solution.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You are moving through some deep terrain, Sag, and it is taxing work. Make sure that you refuel with some quality alone time, a deep tissue massage, or some other relaxation. Your life is poised to improve greatly as long as you take loving care of yourself along the way.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

No matter where you are or who you’re with, Capricorn loathes vulnerable emotions of the sad and bad kind. How you process your emotions through the layers of your armor dictates how much you are able to relate to others when you need them most. Struggle toward flowing with your feelings instead of fixing them.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your intuition is a gift that should be used with care. This is a perfect time for going with your gut, but the best way to have a gut worth trusting is by keeping it clean. Don’t confuse the time for introspection with passivity, because the best kind of action right now is internal. Tend to your tender parts before striking out.


Feb. 19-March 20

Being open-hearted and all over the place is easy enough because you never have to stay with any one emotion for too long. Getting grounded and staying present can be more trying, even if everything is grand. Pay attention to where you begin and end in all your meaningful relationships. Take care of No. 1. *

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her website at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology


Mercury will stop its retrograde nonsense on the 29th.


March 21-April 19

Athletes will tell you that they never feel better than when they’re sweaty and short of breath. The reason for this is that the more seriously you engage your body, the easier it is to get a handle on yourself. Gather your energy and get grounded so that you can make smart choices. Strive towards sure footedness.


April 20-May 20

Sadly, not everything that you want is good for you, Taurus. Desire is just as often motivated by self-sabotaging impulses as by actual wanting. Make sure you are not engaged in bad self-fulfilling prophesies. Be willing to look underneath why you feel like you’ve gotta have those shoes, that hottie, or those wheels. Motive is everything this week.


May 21-June 21

Being capable of great things is awesome, and you are more than capable — you are downright brimming with potential. The problem is, you’re having a rough time figuring out how to put all your sparkle to good use. Cultivate perspective and a good sense of timing.


June 22-July 22

You can’t blame folks for not meeting your needs if you were never direct about them in the first place. If you do, you’re not likely to get very far. Don’t externalize the anger you feel towards your self at the people closest to you. Adopt a sense of humor about your situation instead.


July 23-Aug. 22

Your anxious head is like a runaway car on a hill of black ice. It’s bad news, out of control, and not going in a good direction. Slow your thinking and figure out what you feel instead. Forget about the how/who/whys of it all, and just get in touch with your emotions. That way you can figure out what you’re really scared of.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s time to lay down some serious roots. You are ready to settle into things right now, and all you need is a plan. Get out a pen and pad (if you’re old school) and write a list of all the small parts that need to happen. Then you can partake in the cherished Virgonian pastime of executing your goals with precision.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Sometimes we’re not supposed to know the answers, and that lack of assurance can be a breeding ground for anxiety. This week, you may gain intimate knowledge about the concepts of chaos and upheaval. Allow things to pass that are no longer serving you and let the future present itself when it’s good and ready.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Don’t throw in the towel or break things. There are plenty of frustrations plaguing you, and you’ll only make things worse if you’re reactive. Things are changing, and the only control you have is over your own damn self. Act with compassion, insight, and patience this week.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There is too much going on for you to both process emotionally and keep up your hectic lifestyle. The candle you’re burning at both ends is bound to singe your fingers if you don’t slow down and figure out some sort of strategy. More work and less play may make you a dull boy, but at least it won’t give you a meltdown.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

If anyone likes a challenge, its you, Cappy mon Capitan. The stars suggest a duel between your heart of hearts and your large-and-in-charge mind. In one corner, we have your struggle to be happy and enjoy your life, and in the other, we have the demanding voice of reason and everything that’s likely to go wrong. Who’s your money on?


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

If you insist on running yourself ragged, no one can stop you. It’s a free(ish) country. But, seriously, what’s your rush? You need some down time before you make a mess. This week, you will save time if you do it once and do it right.


Feb. 19-March 20

Loss is such a pain in the butt because there are so many stages to grieving. Even if you are mourning the loss of a shitty apartment or an old and hated job, being without something or someone that you once identified with is emotionally consuming work. Find a creative outlet to redirect your energies into helping your changes along. *

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Website at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology


Mercury is still retrograde!


March 21-April 19

You have come to the end of a cycle, Aries, and it’s time to get ready to start a new one. This could pertain to a relationship, project, or way of looking at things, but the upshot is the same. Know yourself well enough to know what you need. Display courage as you take some risks to make your life richer, from the inside out.


April 20-May 20

It is wholly appropriate for sadness to slow you down, as heavy emotions take time and energy to process. Worry, however, is like slamming on the breaks in an ice storm. It’s time to own your awesomeness. Stop checking and rechecking everything and start trusting yourself, or you will manifest your fears.


May 21-June 21

When you have a fast car, how can you resist opening her up and speeding away? And when you have a new lover, where ever can you find the self-control to keep your cards close to your chest? This week, though, you need to try to slow your roll on the stuff you’re stoked about. Allow your heart to catch up with your speedy head.


June 22-July 22

You may not have what you want, but there are greater reasons for your malaise than you can currently see. The cosmos has a plan for you. Vanity and pride threaten to make you to fall short of your potential. Don’t get so caught up in your stories that you believe they’re the only truth.


July 23-Aug. 22

You’ve got a great idea, Leo. This week, follow through on your brilliant or harebrained schemes cause you are the man (or lady in charge, or gender queer ready to steer). With mercury retrograde, it’s better to act first and process later — as long as you’re willing to work hard, this is an excellent time for action.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

What’s that ticking? Your tender, beating heart? Of course it is. Right now, don’t mess with people, projects, or things that your heart isn’t in. You’ve been chewing over some major changes and it’s high time that you follow through on at least one of them. You may have to step into a loss to create a gain. Be fearless.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When things move too fast, it’s impossible to remain authentically emotionally present. The human mind can text, drive, and sing along to the oldies at the same time, but the heart is not a multitasker, pal. You have tried to move too quickly through some emo terrain and are paying the price. Resist your feelings will only prolong your bummer.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

When you get overwhelmed, you become one hot mess. Mental chaos and emotional anarchy spring up when you get overstimulated, which is why your sign is famous for needing quality time alone to recharge from the world. This week, find a place of calm within yourself before you strike out.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Adventure is easy to embark upon when you feel the wind at your back and you have tons of cash in your pocket. Right now, though, you are being challenged to find the fun in the unknown without all the signs pointing to "yes." Channel your spirit of exploration into all that you do, especially regarding your homebase and sense of security.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Enjoy the fruits of your labors, Cap! Ever the workhorse, it’s easy for you to forget to stop and smell the roses you just slaved away to grow. Make a point to be grateful for all the goodies in your collection, and the good you have cultivated in the past three years. You deserve it.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Things have gotten totally out of hand. You may have taken a wrong turn, and even though it’s not anything major, you are tripping balls. By being humble instead of assigning blame, you will get out of this internal mess a lot quicker. Get some perspective to get it together.


Feb. 19-March 20

The best way to combat worries is by looking them squarely in the face and finding what’s true. No matter what you’re resisting, it is the resistance that is the worst part. Get grounded and get real, my fishy friend. Otherwise, you may not be able to distinguish fantasy from fear. When in doubt, look deeper. *

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com

Psychic Dream Astrology


Mercury is still retrograde, so make sure you’re being clear in all communications.


March 21-April 19

Not only is Mercury — astrological ruler of texts, e-mail, chats, and processing of all kinds — retrograde this week, but it’s moonwalking in your opposing sign. This may put you in a bad bargaining position, Aries. Turn that lemon into lemonade by cutting problems off at the pass. Be super honest, direct, and to the point.


April 20-May 20

Your inner child wanted to watch a movie that your inner parent knew would be too scary, but your inner child begged and got its way. Now your inner parent is disgruntled because it has to take care of an inner child who’s scared of her own shadow! Have better boundaries with yourself so that you avoid the problems you see coming from a mile away.


May 21-June 21

You are so Goldilocks right now! You’re on the fence about how much pressure is too much or just right. The time is right for you to be assertive, sweet heart. Step out and firmly stake your claims, just don’t get too aggressive and entitled about it. If your ego is out of balance, those bears are gonna have one delicious Gemini soup.


June 22-July 22

Your emotions are like so many newfangled roller-coasters — they move way too fast and throw you l upside down and all around. It makes your intuition get stomach sick, and thus unreliable. This week avoid the coasters, bumper cars, and teacups, and opt instead for a Ferris wheel. Take it slow and look at things from as many angles as you can.


July 23-Aug. 22

Leo, you have got to do something about your anxiety levels. But just any old thing will won’t do. This is not the time for brash or impulsive action, no matter how desperate you may feel. Stop whatever you’re doing before you try to fix things. Ask for support from your peeps and then slow down enough to receive it.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Being controlling doesn’t actually give you any control, Virgo. Taking responsibility for your needs is totally tubular, but doesn’t promise you any rewards. Put your best out there without stipulations about what needs to happen in order for you to continue being your awesomest. Take care of yourself because it will make you a better person.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Coping with loss and disappointment is not easy for any sign, but you like to keep things pleasant, which is tough going when you’re bummin’ hard. Look at what’s got you twisted in your relationships vs. what you are projecting onto them. This week is triggering some old patterns so that you can see your part in them and start some healing.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Feeling lonely and being alone are two separate things, Scorp. Get real about where you’re at with your people. There’s nothing wrong with letting yourself feel lonely if that’s what’s real for you, but don’t convince yourself that you are hopelessly without recourse just because you feel hopeless. Acknowledge your options even if you won’t exercise them.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There are more ways things can go than either awesome or crapola. Allow yourself to reserve judgment until you have a clearer vision of what’s going on. The weight of the world is a heavy load on your weary shoulders, pal. Allow your life to develop as you make room to adjust to the many changes you are going through.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your past is a powerful teacher, and it would behoove you to study it carefully. Blaming yourself for problems is a waste of energy: even if you’re at fault, blame is a game with no winners. Look at who you once were and who you are now, and make sure you like the souped-up autumnal ’09 you. Whatever does not please you is your homework!


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You need a good book, a cozy comforter, and some quality time with a sexy Water Bearer named you. Problem is, your ego is on a bender and wants lots of praise and candy and parties. Take inspiration from your fellow Aquarians — channel your inner Audre Lorde and leave your inner Paris Hilton at Le Cirque for the week.


Feb. 19-March 20

Hope is a beautiful thing, and a positive attitude can go a long way in making good things come to fruition. This week, stay optimistic as you wrestle through Mercury retrograde to be the best communicator you can be. You are ready to speak your piece in some situation you have been (wisely) biding your time in. Stay level-headed and to the point. *

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com

Psychic Dream Astrology


It’s not right to be warm with people only when they give you what you want or to feel good about your outfit only if you get compliments.

Sept. 1-8

Mercury goes retrograde Sept. 7, so remember to dot your i’s and cross those t’s!


March 21-April 19

Strive to find the balance between taking responsibility for things and taking charge of them. You are going through major transitions that demand your constant attention, Aries, and if you are willing to be humble enough to recognize what you can’t change, you’ll be able to get to what you can. Be humane and not an attention ho this week.


April 20-May 20

What’s so frustrating is that you just don’t know what you want, Taurus. Sure, you know what you think you want, but then there are these parts of you that keep undermining your good sense with their own agenda. Get a look at the ways you’re self-sabotaging by clarifying what it is that you’re really after. No need to bring all that junk to your shrink, just cut it out.


May 21-June 21

Ground control, it’s Major Gem. Commence your countdown, engines on (you know the song). Everyone knows you can get all spaced out and spazzy, its part of your sparkle charm. This week get in touch with your ground, the real nuts and bolts of what fuels your engine. Things are apt to start spinning way out of your control if you don’t.


June 22-July 22

When mercury goes retrograde it’s a rough time to keep the lines of communication clear. This week is likely to find you trying to put a positive spin on things you’re just not sure are all that. Find the best in your situations without glossing over what is still missing from them. Avoid speaking up until you know exactly what you need to say, Crabcakes.


July 23-Aug. 22

It’s time to get off your durn keister and cut through the crap, Sunshine! You’ve been wallowing in discontent for too long now and you need to make some healthy choices. Don’t be scared of change, ’cause you need it right now! Stand firm for the life you want and be willing to do whatever is necessary to make it happen.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sometimes you’ve gotta fight for peace, man. In order to get the kind of quality of life you’re looking for, you are going to need to take some chances and have some changes of heart. Find the stability in the chaos of growth by looking at the big picture. Getting mired in the details will make you miss the point of all this excitement and lose your way.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Being independent doesn’t mean being lonely, and being free doesn’t allow you to wander the streets without any obligations. You have much to learn about understanding the parameters of your autonomy this week. Maintaining your uniqueness shouldn’t interrupt your closest relationships — if it is, you’re doing something wrong.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Don’t get too comfortable, Scorpio, because you’ve only just begun! This week take stock of all the things you’ve been working on. It may have been feeling like you were treading water for some time, but things have finally started to come together. Don’t rest on your laurels. Enjoy your current progress, but keep on keepin’ on.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your attitude can help you out or hold you back, Sag. Don’t let fearfulness and your resistance to letting go stop you from seeing all the good that is inherent in the changes before you. See if you can get grateful for what you do have and hopeful for what’s yet to come! Put out the good vibes you want to receive for best results.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s not right to be warm with people only when they give you what you want or to feel good about your outfit only if you get compliments on it. You’ve got to have more belief in yourself, Cap. Develop a greater willingness to stay emotionally present, even through the hard stuff. Don’t go through the motions, even if that means slowing down your progress.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

A little bit of fear makes a person cautious and that’s not all bad. Too much worry, à la you right now, makes everything and everyone a suspect, and that’s no way to live. Be brave, badass, and beautiful this week as you proactively make shit happen. Trust yourself to make good enough calls so you can trust what’s going on around you.


Feb. 19-March 20

Get excited enough about something, and feel compelled to act on it, Pisces. Whether it’s a social activity or some major life revision, it’s your time to boldly go where you’ve never gone before. Just don’t be a selfish fish, and make sure you don’t alienate your supporting cast in your enthusiasm. *

Jessica Lanyard has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology


This week it’s important to indulge some of that intensity your sign is so famous for — but do it in private.


March 21-April 19

Your governing planet is Mars, the ruler of action, sexin’, and generally making things happen. So it should pose no problem for you to rise to the occasion and resolve old conflicts in a proactive way. Forget proving your point or explaining your side of things. Let your actions speak for themselves.


April 20-May 20

Self-doubt and paranoia is such a waste of energy. Even if you trip on every obstacle in your path, you’re still traversing the same way. Your sign is inclined toward being stubborn and slow, and often hesitant to change. Realign your focus, then your energies, so you keep moving towards your goals.


May 21-June 21

You don’t know who you want to let into your inner circle. You are struggling with deep questions about obligations and priorities in your intimate relationships, and you have some unmet expectations. The question is, could it be you who hasn’t stepped up? The answers aren’t simple, so think carefully before you act.


June 22-July 22

The truth works, Cancer. If you’ve been trying to do what you think others want or have been disingenuous for any reason, it’s only making you feel worse. Deal with the potentially impractical and awkward realness of where you are and give your life a chance to meet you there.


July 23-Aug. 22

Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past. Look at the grudges you hold against yourself and others. All that negativity is bringing you down, man. There is nothing to figure out, except whether you are ready to let go. To forgive is not to forget or pretend things are perfect, but to release unnecessary sadness.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

To paraphrase, don’t build your Rome in 50 seconds. You don’t need to fix everything right away. For now, just cut things up into digestible pieces so you can work on them bit by bit. You will have the most peace and productivity if you don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Take your time so that in your moment to shine, you down-right sparkle.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Guilt is an ugly bedmate, and a sign as vainglorious as yours deserves a little more pretty at night. Look at how and where you are responsible for things you aren’t happy with. Own it, be a humble human, then do you what you’ve got to. You may need to make some apologies so you can step out of that shame spiral. It’ll be worth it.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’ve got too much going on. You need and deserve a break. This week it’s important to indulge some of that intensity your sign is so famous for — but do it in private. The universe wants you to work on the fine art of self-regulation and pay close attention to when you get burnt out so you don’t barrel past that point.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Everybody’s got rules, and we’re all entitled to them. But sitting around waiting for others to figure out your preferences and regulations in an exercise in futility. Open your big mouth and speak clearly those things you know to be real for you. Optimism alone won’t bring people around to your perspective.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

BFFs, frenemies, homies, and the kinds of bros one is meant to put before ho’s — are all of supreme importance to Cap right now. You cannot be the empire you were born to be without the support and camaraderie of true friendship. Invest in people who hold you up, then allow yourself to enjoy the feeling for a change.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Revolution is grand, but if you’re unprepared for it, things can go from fabulous to funky in a heartbeat. You may have put into motion the hands of change before you were completely ready, and now find yourself in a low self-esteem pickle. Do like those shoot ’em up video games: reload offscreen as you gather your energy.


Feb. 19-March 20

You want so badly to do things right that you are looking too far outside of yourself. There is no right or wrong way to hit things, just paths with different consequences. Allow for your vulnerabilities to have their place so they don’t passive aggressively run the show. *

Jessica Lanyard has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

The pain that has taken up residence in your ass is a guest you invited, Aries. Don’t incite change if you want everything to stay the same. Your skin is itching in the cast that is mending you up, but don’t rip the thing off. It’s a necessary annoyance, for now.


April 20-May 20

Try to separate what you think you like from what you actually like If it feels bad every time you eat dairy, kick it with a certain someone, or listen to techno, why keep doing it? Reassess how you define happiness, so you can get more happy.


May 21-June 21

When you see a yellow light, do you slam on the brakes or speed up? This is not the week to push Lady Luck around ’cause she’ll whoop you across that road. Avoid an all-in or all-out attitude. Be patient.


June 22-July 22

No matter what, you’re gonna have to compromise. You can’t know all the answers and make perfect decisions. Practice being present and counting your blessings. I know, I know, that won’t help your problems, but it will help your attitude. With a change in stance, you are likely to see more options available to you.


July 23-Aug. 22

The problem with success, love, and other such riches, is that you have so much to lose, it can drive a Leo crazy. Instead of fretting over how far the drop is below you, try enjoying the view for a while. Consider your hazards, make adjustments where necessary, and then enjoy what you’ve got.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Go with the flow or become Flow Master? You are stuck between a rock (your urge to micromanage) and a hard place (your need to not feel responsible for everything). Problem is, you don’t know what your responsibility is. This week, don’t try to control what you don’t understand.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You will not find answers in any external source. Instead of getting all spiritual and self-reflective like you are supposed to, you’re running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. Check in with your inner knowing, or go on a spelunking expedition to ferret some out. Panic will get you nowhere.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

All signs point to dealing with the real, Scorp. With Saturn and Pluto high five’ yaw, and Jupiter and Neptune trying to bog you down, the race is on between your drive to check out and have fun at all costs, and the need for you to make more cost-effective choices. It’s a real tortoise and the hare race. Develop a shell.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

To wisely calculate your risks, you should not only assess your own abilities (or lack thereof) but also the environmental factors you’re likely to deal with. You don’t have the privilege of existing in a bubble. Make choices that you and others can live with.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Don’t be a tyrant, Caps. Get it together and stop laying down the law as though you’re Rule Maker and Enforcer Guy. Just govern your own self and set appropriate boundaries with energy that fits your situations.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

It’s a great time to start something new. You are ready to assert your self in the world, but make sure you put your walking shoes on before you hit the pavement. Inspiration is fabulous and essential for any innovation in an Aquarians’ life, but without dedication and perspiration, you’re not going to get very far.


Feb. 19-March 20

You’ve got these darn sparkly red slippers on your feet, they are so cute, and what else are they good for? … oh yeah! There’s no place like home, Pisces. This week you are being called upon to use the gifts that you already have but haven’t yet figured out how to use. Allow yourself to be daring enough to try what you suspect you can do. *

Jessica Lanyard has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.

Psychic Dream Astrology



March 21-April 19

You have some secret desire you may not even be admitting to yourself, and it’s motivating you to be a tad shady with folks. When you’re not being true to yourself, you can only be so real with others. Look at what you are feeling — even if you don’t like it — so you can get those feet of yours back on the ground.


April 20-May 20

Hoarding never makes people happy. There’s no room for the new if you don’t let go of the old. As shitty as it may be to get rid of things, attitudes, or relationships, that’s just what you have to do, Taurus. There is all of this amazing potential in front of you, but you’ve got to let go of all those strings you have attaching you to your past.


May 21-June 21

We are all just animals: messy, instinct-based beasts. This week, channel your inner beastliness into all you do with the wisdom and foresight of your human potential. Frig whatever role you’ve been playing and find what’s most true for you. Don’t hide behind habit. Get up your courage and be a smarty-pants wild thing instead.


June 22-July 22

When you get emotionally blocked, life stagnates quickly. Fears about love are coming up for you: there’s no way around it. If you’re not getting your needs met, ask yourself why. Do folks know what you need but don’t want to put out? Do you need to be clearer? Figure it out so you can move on.


July 23-Aug. 22

You’re such a creative person — why is it so hard for you to bust through your relationship patterns and be real? Try to be more loving as you assert your limits with others. The more direct you are about your needs, the more flexible you can be about others’ needs. Integrate your internal opposites for a more authentic you.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Admit it: you are putting all that careful energy into being painstaking with things so that you can build up to the Earth’s biggest worrygasm. You get a little thrill of accomplishment from having a really good problem to stress over. Now your secret is out! Outgrow this broken love and develop a new relationship to getting things dealt with.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Everybody’s changing, and if you don’t start change too, your same-old, same-old will be out of step, when once it was just right. In your efforts to hold your own, you run the risk of being inflexible, and that shit’ll backfire on you. Never forget to be receptive when you stand tall, lest you alienate others.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You can’t build a time machine. No matter how much you lament what ails you in the present, it won’t change things. This is a real cut-your-losses kind of moment, where you can make the best of your situation by accepting it and working with what you’ve got in this reality.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your home life needs care and attention, Sag. You deserve a spot that you are happy to be in, a place that serves as a sanctuary from the rushing and buzzing of your life. Carve yourself a piece of peace in your dwelling, even if it means leaving your over-crowded apartment and finding a café where you can sit and regroup.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Pick your battles wisely. You are so worried about so many things you are missing out on the opportunities in front of you. Avoid the deadly lure of FOMOs (fear of missing out), and make some damn decisions. Consider your own well-being and what you know of your self so you can improve your life, not just react to it.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Not knowing the answers is really hard on a Know-It-All, and can induce panic where once there was a smooth operator. You are not supposed to have the answers right now; it’s just time to watch things unfold around you. Rushing and pushing will backfire.


Feb. 19-March 20

It looks like you are caught up in some serious stress. It may feel like the mountain in front of you is so high, you’d rather turn back than climb it. Look at your own conflicts about what you want, because your ambiguities are adding to the mess you’re in. Be open to letting something new enter your life. *

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 15 years. Check out her Web site at www.lovelanyadoo.com or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or dreamyastrology@gmail.com.