The quiet force of Frontline II

Pub date September 12, 2006
WriterG.W. Schulz
SectionPolitics Blog

By G.W. Schulz

I mentioned yesterday that I’d been downloading older episodes of Frontline from the PBS Web site. The show has three major new episodes coming out next month. But yesterday I didn’t get a chance to summarize what I felt were some of the better pieces they’d done over the last few years that contained some cool local angles.

On Sunday night I went back and watched 2004’s “Tax Me if You Can,” which appears to have been inspired at least in part by David Cay Johston’s spectacular tax-beat reporting for The New York Times. Johnston made popular what was long considered a dreadful area of government to cover as a Times reporter – the IRS. We localized some of his more recent reporting for the Times on big IRS layoffs and the estate tax a while back.