The Magician w/ Goldroom and Jeffrey Paradise

Pub date June 15, 2012

The Magician
With Goldroom and Jeffrey Paradise

His background is shrouded in mystery, his powers are supernatural and his reputation is whispered about among men. He goes by different names, but folks just call him The Magician.

One night not so long ago, he appeared from a place between space and time. The Magician stepped into this world, materializing in a cloud of crystal stars and soft pink smoke. Some say he is the guardian angel of all resident DJ’s, others claim he’s a former airline pilot who crashed an after party – some say it’s just an illusion, a well-performed hoax. But is it really?

Everywhere The Magician goes, there’s music in the air. People come under his spell and dance like there’s no tomorrow. Lost in a purple haze, transfixed in a flurry of white doves. He makes clubbers float through disco heaven and takes them around the house on a magic carpet ride. Behind his green translucent eyes, there’s an unlimited knowledge of the musical past, present and future.

Friday, June 15 at 9pm @ Mezzanine, 444 Jessie, SF