
Pub date April 11, 2012


Born N Raised in Frisco Eric Quesada Center for Culture and Politics, 518 Valencia, SF, 6:30pm, free A celebration of the end of the People Skool/Escuela de la Gente Winter 2012 session’s course, entitled Born N Raised in Frisco. This class concerned the “stories, poetry, music and media of people who have undergone the trauma of eviction, removal, gentriFUKation, displacement and/or forced migration out of San Francisco due to poverty, redlining, and/or re-devil-opment” and is part of the Uncle Al Robles Living Library project. People Skool, presented by POOR Magazine, lets the voices of San Francisco be heard, and this graduation party will continue the mission of POOR Magazine- to provide “poor people-led/indigenous people-led, grassroots, arts familia creating media, education and art on poverty, racism, disability, indigenous resistance and im/migraiton locally and globally.” 


Just Cause Direct Action Training Lake Merritt United Methodist Church, 1330 Lakeshore, Oakland, 9am-6pm, free. Register at Around the country, a huge coalition of organizations, Green For All, Code Pink, Jobs With Justice, UNITE HERE, and dozens of others have joined forces to present the 99% Spring action training. Their goal is true train 100,000 people in non-violent direct action and this is the week. In the Bay Area, a community-wide training will be led by Causa Justa / Just Cause, Mujeres Unidas y Activas (MUA), the School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), and the Ruckus Society. The first part of the day will be a lesson on the current political economy, the second part a training in nonviolent direct action “open to people who are organizing with local organizations, Occupy groups, or who want to get involved in actions this Spring.” Smaller trainings in San Francisco will also take place at Million Fishes gallery and the UNITE HERE Local 2 headquarters.

Occupy Oakland Patriarchy BBQ and Speakout Rainbow Park, 5800 International Blvd, 1-5pm, free, Occupy Oakland continues its weekly Saturday barbecues, meant to engage those who have been occupying with other Oakland residents, share free food, and build community. Last week, they commemorated the anniversary of the death of Black Panther Party icon Lil Bobby Hutton with a celebration of black power; this week, the theme is a speak-out on issues ranging from cuts to schools and services to low wages to racist policing. As organizers say, “the cycle of violence that currently exists attacks poor people, people of color, and women, and is specifically designed to keep us weak so we will passively accept our place in society.”


Youth Theater Project Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission, SF, 4/14 7pm and 4/15 2pm, free, The San Francisco Mime Troupe presents theater written by and about youth in San Francisco. The play comes after an eight-week workshop, and according to the Mime Troupe “The Project promotes artistic expression, discipline, and cross-cultural understanding as creative alternatives to drugs, gangs, prejudice, hostility and violence.”