Stop the presses: Lefty O’Douls Irish Newsboys jump start St. Patrick’s day at 6:30 p.m. Friday

Pub date March 8, 2012
SectionBruce Blog

The Irish Newsboys get a jump on St. Patrick’s Day with a lively evening of Irish ballads featuring top right to left (Mike Sugarman of the KPIX’s Eyewitness Blues band, the Chronicle’s Jay Johnson and the Oakland Tribune’s Bob Loomis and bottom right to left Barry “The Fish” Melton and the Chronicle’s Kevin Fagan.) The Newsboys  will start playing at 6:30 p.m. Friday at Lefty O’Douls, 333 Geary St. Sugarman, I’m told by a reliable source, is the only non-Irishman in this subversive group.