Psychic Dream Astrology: February 8-14

Pub date February 7, 2012


March 21-April 19

Be brave enough to move to the next stage of your relationships. All it will take is to trust in your own instincts enough to do what’s right in current dynamics, instead of what you’re used to doing out of habit. Consider the big picture as you improve your interactions this week.


April 20-May 20

Whether you are dating or not, it’s time to invest in your love life. Make the effort to revisit what you want for yourself with relationships, and check in with how close or far you are from your goals. This will allow you to participate with others in a way that will help get everyone’s needs met.


May 21-June 21

You are meant to go directly towards what you want, and to do it with an open heart. The direction that you point yourself in this week will determine where you end up in coming months, so take full responsibility for where you set yourself to go and how you plan on getting there, Twin Star.


June 22-July 22

Think in terms of building blocks. You are creative and capable, but if you lack vision then you will fritter away all your awesome energy. Now is the time to strategically envision what you need to do and embody in order to be where you want to be. Move steady, and step by step.


July 23-Aug. 22

What’s the rush, Leo? Sit still for a minute and calmly assess where you’re at, both in your dynamics and also more deeply within yourself. There is no way to deal authentically with others if you don’t know what’s real within you! Take the time to be with yourself this week for best results.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The power of your mind is formidable, but can be used as a weapon as well as a tool. Instead of running over every detail you can, why not check in with yourself about how you feel? Nothing in your life is written in stone, and you can turn things around that don’t make you happy. Lighten up as you reflect.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Go forth towards love with your ego held in check, and your emotional needs placed first, right where they belong. Partnership is a big theme in your life; don’t look for what compels you as much as what inspires you. it is time for you to be more whole and engaged in your life. Take a chance on love, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You are both at the end of a cycle and at the start of something new. Look around you to see all that you have accomplished over the last three months and feel good about it. Once this is done you’ll be ready to push ahead in the realm of relationships. Participate, Scorpio; don’t hide yourself away.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Be where you’re at and enjoy it without jumping ahead in your mind and getting all future-trippy. Honesty with yourself and the people around you is essential. Be vibrantly here right now, but you don’t have to commit to anything. The truth won’t spoil anything good, so lather it on this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are free, Capricorn, but you need to deal with the ways that you feel trapped so you act more independent of your fears and bad habits. Cultivate patience with your personal life as it develops at the pace it needs to. Be willing to change and to share those changes with others.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

There is no way to make things perfect, so instead work with what you’ve got. This week your need for connection is battling with your needs to be alone, and it’s unclear which side you’re rooting for. Take care of your insides so you’re a better advocate for your outsides.


Feb. 19-March 20

Kindness is the answer, and don’t get it twisted. No matter how fretful you feel, now is the time to make sure you are being caring to yourself and also showing compassion to others. The trick is to not play out any willing victim games or to fall for others’ martyr trips. Consideration without strings this week.