Al Gore calls for an “American spring”

Pub date August 3, 2011
SectionBruce Blog


In an interview with Keith Olberman Tuesday night  on his Current TV show,   Al Gore called for “an American spring” to counter the assault of the teaparty Republicans

and to go on the offensive from the grassroots and on the internet.  Gore was eloquent in his Goreish way and made many of the right points.

Olberman asked him, quite diplomatically, if a Democrat ought to run against  Obama and if Gore would support a Democratic primary fight.

Gore said no, he supported Obama and would continue to support him, and that the history of primary fights meant that the President and his challenger would both

lose.  He said Obama needed lots of help and pressure from the grassroots. Here’s the interview:  The Keith Olberman show is at 8 p.m. weekdays at Channel 107 in San Francisco.

I think Olberman is even better in this  format than he was when he pioneered the progressive tv show on MSNBC.  B3