
Pub date January 25, 2011


Free clinics aren’t free

Nothing like eating and drinking for a cause. To help raise needed funds for the Berkeley Free Clinic, Saturn Cafe will donate 10 percent of your bill to this worthy endeavor.

10 a.m.–midnight, cost of food and drink purchase

Saturn Cafe

2175 Allston, Berk.



UNIFEM fundraiser

The United Nations Development Fund for Women is holding a fundraiser for Ninel Babcinschi, a lawyer and advocate for trafficked women in Moldova whose life has been threatened because of her work defending these women. The fundraiser includes an informative lecture and a film screening.

6:30–9:30 p.m., $15 Artists Television Access

992 Valencia, SF


Rally for Guy Jarreau

Attend a rally demanding a full investigation into the shooting by Vallejo police that resulted in the death of Guy Jarreau, a student and active community member. The Dec. 11 shooting of Jarreau, an unarmed black man, is said to be having a “Mehserle effect” on the community because of its parallels to the Oscar Grant shooting.

1–3 p.m., free Solano County District Attorney’s Office

321 Tuolumne, Vallejo



Seattle Solidarity Network discussion

SeaSol, a support group for rights for workers and tenants, holds a discussion about the importance of building solidarity networks and small-scale collective action. Add your two cents to the debate and learn how you may not be getting all that you are entitled to as a worker or tenant.

7–9:00 p.m., free

Station 40

3030B 16th St., SF


Go, Caltrain

Join the discussion on how to increase Caltrain ridership, improve service, and create sustainable funding. The event offers speakers, panels and workshops. Featured speakers include Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune, SF Sup. Sean Elsbernd, and others.

9:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., free (RSVP required)

SamTrans Auditorium

1250 San Carlos, San Carlos



Fred Korematzu Day celebration

In December 2010, California signed a bill into law declaring Jan. 30 the first day in U.S. history named after an Asian American. Honor national civil rights hero and Oakland native Fred Korematzu in at the country’s first Korematzu Day celebration. There will be a reception and film screening, as well as spoken word performance by artist Beau Shea and a keynote speech by the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

1- 5 p.m., $15-100

Wheeler Hall

101 Zellerbach Hall #4800

UC Berkeley, Berk.




Book Club: Trotsky discussion

Read and discuss Leon Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution Vol. 1, the Bolshevik revolutionary’s classic book that tells the story of how poor and working class people combined efforts to start the first socialist revolution in history. An optional light supper will be provided.

1–5 p.m., $2/6 donation

625 Larkin, SF

(415) 864-1278


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