By Caitlin Donohue
Small Works: Michael Campbell’s resin cassette tapes and drawing by William Denton Ray
My grandma trained as a pilot in World War II, had the world’s most lyrical name and painted prolifically. In her death, Rosetta Byrd left us a mountain of her creations- most of them views looking out a window onto Texas hill country. They are beautiful and we love them. But in my family’s nomadic existence, Rosetta’s lifework has proven a bit difficult to transport. Currently, I’ve got one of her pieces- the only canvas that I could possibly swing as carry-on luggage.
Which is why, particularly if you’re looking for a creative gift for one of these cramped apartment city animals, I fully support attending The Lab’s 13th annual showing of postcard art and small works. (Apparently I’m all agog for the tiny things these days.) They’ve been holding open submissions for the exhibit, so the creations on offer should be a bewildering wilderness of miniscule artistic gems.
My interest is perhaps most piqued by Geoff Hick’s “digital antennae” (I’m a total Luddite, do digital things need antennas?), but I’m also excited about seeing Linda Laird’s fabric and sequined creations, which I hope come postal service ready. These things would be perfect for a friend that lives far away- slap a stamp on one of these extravagant postcards, mail out and check another buddy off the list of people to honor this holiday season.
Will you “hand” me that Plesch Renate postcard?(Sorry I’m really “reaching” for a caption here. Ha!)
Oh, and should a man tap you on the shoulder, interrupting your gleeful romp amidst the tiny things, be not alarmed should he ask if you want to see what’s in his pocket. He is but a representative of the Museum of Pocket Art, a gallery on the go that “leaches” other art exhibits to give individual showings of its mini sized masterpieces on the premise that everyone should carry a bit of beauty around on their person. Or the guy’s being a bit forward. You’ll just have to go with him to see. Ah art…
The 13th Annual Small Format Art Sale
Opening reception, Fri/4, 6 p.m.- 9 p.m. (continues through Sun/6), free
The Lab
2948 16th St., SF
(415) 864-8855