Sax machine: Paul Costuros, left, with his band Death Sentence: Panda!
This just in from Paul Costuros of Death Sentence: Panda!, Murder Murder, Total Shutdown, et al:
“Welcome to the first installment of Buddies! A bunch of friends hanging out in a bar (the Knockout) playing their five favorite songs. Not genre specific so you might hear Wolf Eyes’ “Stabbed in the Face” played next to Britney Spears’ “The Zone” (both good songs).
“This Monday, July 28, free at the Knockout from 10 p.m.-2 a.m., will be the following people (in no particular order):”
Chris Rolls
Eric Bauer
Eric Landmark
Eric Park
Justin Labo
Lila Holland
Diana Hayes
Dave Hoag
Emily Jocson
Cristina Jocson
Michael Doyle
Ashley Hibbs
Paul Allan
Rob Spector
Sarah Bernat
Kevin Woodruff
and maybe Jenny Hoyston and/or Ellie Erickson