Keen on Maria McKee

Pub date July 6, 2007

By Todd Lavoie

I’d always enjoyed Maria McKee‘s former band, the under-appreciated rootsy rockers Lone Justice, but my moment of conversion— much like it was for countless others, I’d wager— arrived in the form of her contribution to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack, “If Love is a Red Dress (Hang Me in Rags).”

Love is… Maria McKee. All images courtesy of

After I finished collecting the pieces of my heart from the floor at the song’s end, I swore true to McKee’s transcendent blue-eyed, countrified soul, and that was that. If you too are hopelessly addicted to Dusty Springfield’s Dusty in Memphis and are seeking another avenue for getting your fix, McKee is the clear choice. For further proof, check out her incendiary cover of signature Dusty tune “I Can’t Make It Alone.”


Maria McKee plays with Victor Krummenacher Sunday, July 8, 8 p.m., at Café du Nord, 2170 Market, SF. $20. (415) 861-5016.