Itchy Digits, C&B

Pub date June 15, 2007

In the mood for synthesizer-driven, blister-forming cacophony, honey? Then check a pair of ace twosomes tonight at the Hemlock Tavern: The Bay’s electri-noise sprats Casy and Brian contort ‘n’ distort like the finest of ’em. You’ll get grimy kid stuff on your Havaianas – and you’ll dig it.

Casy and Brian tap some serious monkey magik. Make it stop.

Headliner Big Digits make their way all the way from Cambridge, Mass., to rattle those steely ear drums. They wanna make you sweat. So bring a change of clothes.

Mrbaseball big digits.jpg
Wrap those Big Digits around my ‘roids, puleeze.

And Chief Death Rage opens up for ’em all – and apparently the Economist is quite taken with ’em. Embrace the death urge! It all goes down tonight, June 15, 9:30 p.m., $6. Hemlock Tavern, 1131 Polk, SF. M’out.