More Noise Popping

Pub date March 2, 2007

By Deborah Giattina

I wouldn’t have traded seeing my fellow Bay Area Ladyfest 2002 organizer play her first Noise Pop show last Wednesday for anything–not even a Ponys/Gris Gris ticket. I’m referring to Macromantics (aka Romy Hoffman), who recently was signed to Kill Rock Stars. (Check out her first KRS release, Moments in Movement.)

Onstage, the chaos-loving Australian MC and erstwhile San Francisco denizen’s a capella onslaughts rocked the crowd as much as her body-moving escapades into metaphysical rapping.

Afterwards, my down under friend waved away a look-see at my snaps of her performance, stating, “I don’t believe in documentation.” This one’s gonna keep moving forward into uncharted territory rather than look back, but that doesn’t mean she minds if the rest of us cherish the memories.
