Dick Meister: Less God-talk, please

Pub date February 7, 2009
SectionBruce Blog

Shouldn’t freedom of religion be coupled with freedom FROM religion for non-believing citizens?

By Dick Meister

The polls say the odds against me are about nine to one, that being the
ratio between believers and non-believers in this supposedly secular
republic. But even so, let me ask that our politicians quit pushing the
views of the 90 percent who hold religious beliefs on me and the rest of the
10 percent of the population who simply do not share those beliefs.

If they won’t ease up on the constant public references to God and
similar matters for the sake of tolerance, how about doing it for the sake
of that legal business about the separation of church and state.

Or at least do it for the sake of religion. It surely is cheapened by the
ritualistic and hypocritical references to the Almighty by the politicians
and others in public life seeking to curry majority favor the easy way.