4-20: High times at UC-Santa Cruz

Pub date April 17, 2008
SectionBruce Blog

By Bruce B. Brugmann

Here’s the official word from University of Santa Cruz Executive Chancellor David Kilger on the kind of day that university administrations can’t stand. April 20 has become nationally known, as Kilger says in a letter today (April 17) to faculty and staff, “as the date when people gather to communally smoke marijuana in an expression of support for the reform or marijuana laws. In recent years, thousands of people have gathered on the UCSC campus to participate in the event.”

Kilgore in UCacademese says that the university does not “condone, support or otherwise sanction t his event.” To his credit, he doesn’t threaten damnation nor a flood of troopers but he does lay out some regulations Santa Cruz style. Thanks to an alert from a UCSC graduate, and roommate of a Guardian employee, we can turn up and tune in on the letter for you. Click on the continued reading link: