Will a donor boycott move the Dems?

Pub date November 10, 2009
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

There’s a lot of frustration over the failure of the Democratic congress and administration to move on marriage equality and Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell, and it’s going to get worse — I fear that in the wake of the loss in Maine (which was really just a setback on the inevitable the path to equality) will scare Congress even more and convince Rep. Nancy Pelosi to keep anything this “divisive” off the agenda going into next year’s midterm elections.

So the progressive blogosphere is trying a new tack: A boycott on donations to the Democratic National Commitee. It’s catching on — the folks at FireDogLake just endorsed it, and I just got off the phone with Markos at DailyKos, and he told me he’s signed on (though he hasn’t posted on it yet). Dan Savage is on board , no surprise.

Normally these things don’t make much of a difference — but in the past couple of years, donations from readers of blogs like DailyKos have been a significant factor in close Congressional races. So the DNC might actually feel this.