The new San Francisco Planning Commission

Pub date May 9, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

By Marc Salomon
Sweet turnabout at the Planning Commission last evening. Who of us on the east side can forget the heady days of the boom, when Willie Brown was running the City like a personal piggy bank for his developer cronies (instead of Newsom who gives it all away and gets nothing in return) which resulted in live work lofts sprouting like bulky tall mushrooms throughout the Mission, SOMA and the 3d street corridor?

The language used to justify these yuppie monstrosities was truly twisted, most of it mouthed by Willie Brown’s short leashed then-Planning Commission president Anita Theoharis. The logic went as follows: we need more housing, so let’s build live work lofts. We can build live work lofts in the districts zoned industrial, where housing is banned, because live work lofts are not housing. This reasoning enriched the builders while impoverishing the community as lofts were not charged for their impacts like housing because, silly, lofts are not housing.

But things have changed now.