Has Newsom lost his mind?

Pub date March 7, 2008
SectionPolitics Blog

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It’s one thing for Mayor Gavin Newsom to bash the Board of Supervisors, something we’re likely to see a lot of this year as he angles to get a few more allies on the board this fall. But it’s quite another thing for the city’s top elected leader to urge his business community buddies to sue the city, which is just downright irresponsible and could even be considered official misconduct. And how ironic is it that little miss civility, Sup. Michela Alioto-Pier, is beating the drum for the most uncivil of acts, a civil lawsuit against a city that’s she’s taken an oath to serve and protect. Have these people lost their minds?
Maybe so, because this latest outrage comes just two days after Newsom took a facts-be-damned approach to pushing tidal power, which a study concludes would be an expensive and inefficient boondoggle, but Newsom wants to do anyway, probably because it would make such a whiz-bang press release. His quote to the Chron was priceless: “I don’t care about the arguments against it. I care about the arguments for it.”
George W. Bush couldn’t have said it better himself.