Psychic Dream Astrology: February 5-11, 2014

Pub date February 5, 2014

Mercury goes Retrograde on the 6th through the 28th of February. Prepare to feel unprepared my friends.
March 21-April 19
Focus your thoughts on how far you’ve come, no matter how much farther you’ve got to go, Aries. Feel good about the changes you’ve made no matter how small they are. Transitions take time to assimilate, and if you feel good about the work you’ve done it’ll buoy you for the work ahead (which appears to be formidable).

April 20-May 20
You aren’t perfect and that shouldn’t get you down, Taurus. Us humans are messy beasts and we often learn best through trial and error. Let go of your dogged attachment to flawlessness! You will succeed this week by boldly acting, despite your fears. Making mistakes is an essential part of learning, pal.

May 21-June 21
Get caught up with your life, Twin Star. This week it would be unwise to start anything new, no matter how bad you want to. Sometimes the biggest risk you can take is to pause and let things develop on their own. It’s a courageous act that requires faith, patience, and a healthy helping of impulse control.

June 22-July 22
The world may be going to hell in a hand basket but you are only responsible for yourself, Moonchild. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pursue acts of kindness, only that you needn’t take on others’ feelings or dramas, especially if you want to help them out. Self-care helps you and helps the people.

July 23-Aug. 22
You may not think you’re picking fights, but if you’re not in the right frame of mind to be around people and you do it anyways, you’re just asking for trouble. Pursue solo pleasures this week to better manage your moods and whims, Leo. Your relationships can wait, and they’ll be better off for it.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
How you cope with your feelings is of the utmost importance this week. Challenge yourself to find balance in the face of whatever chaotic situations you are confronted with so that you can handle them with grace and flexibility. Don’t repress your feelings; be intentional with how you express them, Virgo.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
There is no thing greater than love. Romantic love is wonderful of course, but it often takes up more air space than self-love, or the love of work, friendship and life in general. Don’t let your desire for passionate love obscure your need for all others expressions of ardor this week.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Be forthright, Scorpio. Your sign has a reputation for being sketchy because of your tendency to hold back the truth- the rest of the zodiac tends to interpret this as “lying”. This is the week to be honest and direct in your relationships, even when it’s uncomfortable. Let others show up (or not), as they will.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
It’s your turn, Sag! Mercury goes retrograde this week and many astrologers will tell you to leave the heart-to-hearts for another time, but not I, dear friend. This is the right time to clear up miscommunications or to at least take first steps to clear the air. The truth will set you free, so don’t hold back.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Major change is afoot and you do not need to fix a thing. This week the Universe wants you to stay grounded in your goals and to have faith in the stability and support you have cultivated in your life. Your self-esteem may be at risk, but not your integrity. Do what’s right even when you’re tempted otherwise.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Your vision is a good one, Aquarius, but the way you’re going about things is not making your life any easier. Instead of doing everything all at once, how’s about you slow down this week? You need a minute to figure out what you’re feeling and why before you can offer anything in a clean and clear way.

Feb. 19-March 20
Defeat and uncertainty threaten to scramble your thoughts and deaden your feelings this week. There’s a reason for everything and opportunity in each of your struggles; you only need to look for it. Don’t let negativity inhibit you, Pisces. Stay focused on your goals and have confidence in your path.

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