Psychic Dream Astrology

Pub date November 27, 2012

Nov. 28-Dec. 4.2012


March 21-April 19

Love and intimacy are so very valuable, Aries. To be able to really share of yourself with others, you have to first know yourself. This week please tend to the garden of your internal world. You have some meaningful decisions before you and you’ll be able to best make them from a well-informed and whole sense of self.


April 20-May 20

If all you ever do is look at things from your perspective you are likely to think that much of the time people are being intentionally unpleasant. Look at things from other people’s perspective this week; more often than not, folks are just trying their best, even if their point of view translates that differently than yours does.


May 21-June 21

Your sign is known for having a hyperactive mind that tends towards restless multi-tasking. This week, prove us astrologers wrong by cultivating calm, focus and presence, Gemini. You may find yourself stretched too thin and feeling crazy, so make a commitment to fighting the voices that distract you.


June 22-July 22

All things that test you this week were designed by the Universe to get you back in touch with your self. When you fail to be self-referential you can get caught up in a haze of confusion and ambiguities that just suck. Get back in contact with the truth of what you are feeling, what you need and how you are participating, Cancer.


July 23-Aug. 22

You’ve got too much on your plate, Leo. This week it’s wise to focus your formidable energy towards completing what has already been started; tend to your relationships, finish that book, follow through on your commitments. The freedom that it will create is well worth the effort.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Do not push yourself farther and faster than you can go, Virgo. Your mind, as always, is running ahead of the rest of you. If you make the mistake of chasing ideas without checking in with your emotional needs and the state of your environment, you risk serious self-sabotage. Do it slow to do it right this week.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

There’s no need to fix your situation or the people around you. Strive to be true to yourself without trying to convince others to do the same this week. Let situations play themselves out without running interference, Libra. Do what’s right by your standards and let others do the same, in their own way and at their own pace.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Heartache sucks. It hurts and makes you feel hecka low. This week, if you can stay emotionally present with your feelings when they come up you can get to the other side of some very old blocks that have been damning the flow of love in your life. Look for growth where there seems to be none, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You have some meaningful emotional terrain to cover, Sag, and it’s work that can uplift you if you do it right. Don’t separate from the people you are trying to understand this week. Engage honestly in the complexities of intimacy. You will bring your relationships around with compassion and co-operation, not analysis.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This week the path to your happiness is paved with flexibility, self-knowledge and good choices. Your greatest enemy to these things is of course yourself, sweet and salty Capricorn. Fight your lesser impulses to do the same old and build on what you know you need to do to have an awesome life.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You are not a hapless victim, but an active participant, Aquarius. This week there is no need for throwing blame around, no matter how tempting that may be. Manage your reactions in ways that support what you want, instead of just get your point across. Let bygones go and focus your energy on what you want to come next.


Feb. 19-March 20

Courage comes from the heart; you can be as bold as you want to, but for as long as you are concealing your hearts needs, it’s not courageous. Let go of whatever BS you are hiding behind this week and take some emotional risks. If you don’t go for the best, how do you expect to achieve it, Pisces?

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 18 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.