Psychic Dream Astrology: August 29-September 4

Pub date August 28, 2012


March 21-April 19

Not everything that hurts is actually bad for you, Aries. You are being challenged to decipher the difference between the pain from things being unhealthy and that of growth and healing. Take your time and reflect on what you are reacting to. The more clear-headed you are, the better choices you’ll make.


April 20-May 20

There is a total lack of control that we have in our lives that can make you crazy if you think about it too long. Strive to find a balance between being graceful in the face of what you cannot change, and pro-active about the things that need doing. Don’t succumb to passive inactivity this week.


May 21-June 21

Instead of looking at things from every angle and considering what everyone else might do, feel or think, try sitting with your own complicated self, Twin Star. It doesn’t matter what someone else would feel in your situation, what’s inside of you? Figure that out before you do any other thing this week.


June 22-July 22

You cannot change what is, even if you seriously don’t want it to be true. Instead of fighting against a reality you’d rather not deal with, it’s time to get accepting, Cancer. Come to the end of this cycle, so you can finally start a new one. Only accepting your current situation will give you the freedom to change it.


July 23-Aug. 22

You must assert yourself in order to keep things going on the track you want them on, Leo. Be considerate of the wishes of those around you without watering your own needs down. Bring kindness and levity to your dealings, because what you make now stands a chance to last for a very long time.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is a ripe time to learn more about your emotional nature, Virgo. Open up your heart to something or someone; really feel vulnerable and hopeful, with all of the uncertainty that comes with it. Notice if you feel inspired, scared, or excited? Better understand yourself by being present with what you feel this week.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Life is like a picnic at the end of a long hike, Libra. If you drag around too much extra crap, you’ll tire yourself out before you reach your destination. If you don’t bring enough useful supplies with you, a minor mishap can become a major pain in the butt. Be practical and well prepared this week.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Coping with your stress levels is way more important than whatever is upsetting you this week. Avoid the temptation to analyze details with a magnifying glass, and instead get enough steps away from whatever’s bugging you so that you can see the whole picture. The Devil’s in the details, Scorpio, so treat them with kid gloves.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

How one holds the things that they value says a lot about a person. This week you should keep your attentions fixed on how you do what you do with what you treasure, Sagittarius. If you cherish a thing, do you protect it, use it till it’s gone, hoard it? Notice this stuff as a way to more fully experience love.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Do not resist going through emotional pain this week, Capricorn. What feels like your biggest problems are in fact your teachers, hecka determined to get you to pay attention to your lessons. The only way to learn about your self is to encounter yourself. Be humble as you investigate why you react as you do.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your ego can get you into real trouble this week if you don’t keep it in check. If you assert yourself beyond your rights you will set a chain of reactions in motion that will bring about unpleasant results. Stay grounded, take your time, and consider the impact of your actions before you strike out, Aquarius.


Feb. 19-March 20

When you stop trying to contain or direct the flow of your life, opportunities can arise out of nowhere. This week there’s much to be gained from letting things reveal themselves to you. Do not make impulsive decisions or force your will, Pisces. There is great strength in waiting, it is an active process for to engage in.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 18 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.