American Idol: The women struggled a bit

Pub date March 3, 2011
WriterTim Redmond

Not as great a night for the women, I have to say. The guys pretty much blew everyone away, but I only saw one Idol-class performance from the women, and I saw a lot of pretty weak stuff. The good news: Pia Toscano. The last one on stage, after the final commercial, just when I was trying to hustle the kids off to bed, and we just had to sit down and shut up and listen. Amazing; no props, no horrible background (those floating clouds just have to go), just a woman with an amazing voice hitting all the notes and holding the audience spellbound.

The bad news: Rachel Zevita. What was that? The maybe: Michael, my son who plays bass and loves heavy metal, and my daughter, who plays piano and loves Rhianna and Taylor Swift, both were into Kendra Chantelle. Me? Not so much. Okay, but nothing special.

Overall, bad song selection, too much hype and not enough delivery — and damn! Randy’s starting to channel his inner Simon. Harsh, Dawg. But you were right.

Tonight: I predict more pathos, more drawn-out drama about everyone’s childhood, lots of tears and very little singing.